Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why i think the education can change the world

I decided to experience working as volunteer english teacher while i was travelling in Luang Prabang (Laos), and i’m so happy about the choice i made. I interrupted my travelling, but i discovered how much i like “working” with kids, and i hope to continue in this way even in other countries.

Kid from the kindergarten in costume, ready dance in town's festival

As a traveller, i’m interested in meeting local people, and this is a different way to do it, plus i could contribute in helping lovely people who run a “family” school and teach and learn from those kids.
My choice came also after a short experience in Taiwan, where i’ve been hosted in one kindergarten in Pingtung, and every time i was sharing some moments with those kids i felt more peaceful and happy inside, they were passing me a lot of good energies simply with their way to be.

Geography lesson, "This is Italy"

When i left the High School i would never think myself as a teacher, at that point of my life i was too immature to understand how teaching is important for the society, and as simple teenager i just wanted to stay far away from what i was considering a web of obligations. I would say, in my student’s experience, i never had someone who could inspire me, and i only had few teachers who were at least passionate in their job and made myself interested in what they were teaching.

Helping to fix mosquito's net in Taiwan

I’ve always been interested in kids, because i think they are the FUTURE, and when i see them smiling, crying, making friend in just few seconds, without judging, i always think that state of being is really important, everyone should keep that state of mind, and at the same time we should act with the wisdom achieved by our life experience. Every action that comes from a kids, is genuine and spontaneous, and this made the inner self of themselves an intact and not fractionated self, they don’t have to think to all pre concepts made from the society because luckily they are still free from them.

Lovely taiwanese kid

Happy Chinese New Years from Luang Prabang (Laos)

As i think the kids are the future, i think the education is a really important subject to focus, i we are interested in future changes. This education must start from the parents, who are the first teachers and models for the baby, who will start to absorb and learn by imitating them, but also the teachers will cover an important part of this process, the teacher does’t have only teach english, literature, math, or whatever subject, but they need to be an educator and model for the kids.
They look so interested

With Doukkhun, a Lao's Kid 

So if we want change what we don’t like in the present, we need to educate the kids to make the right choices to have a better future, and to do that, we need to be the people who with high and right values, can inspires them as human being.

Goodbye photo with the kids before leave Pingtung

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