Saturday, February 14, 2015

Why this blog?

I'm starting to blog because i want to share with everyone through my pictures, through my stories, through my ideas, what is happening in my life since i started to travel.

I will try to give you tips, informations, and i will telling how it changed the way how i'm travelling, also to show to everyone who says, that they don't have money, they don't have time, they don't have...and i could continue for hours, to show that if you want, you can travel really cheap even with a budget of 10$ a day or even less.

             Walking to reach the Laos's border from Cambodia

I think most of the people will just try to find an excuse when i ask "why you are not doing it as well?",  yes because many people always say to me, that i'm doing a good life,  and they would like to do it but...but the find excuses.
(Ok sometimes they might have already put themselves in a way to live who could be impossible make this kind of changes, and I'm thinking of people who decided to have a family, and have kids, they made a choice, a really important one, because be a father or mother is the hardest but at the same time beautiful "job" you could have in your life.
But if you're not in this kind of position...well try to put away your excuses).

I think in your life there are priorities, made by yourself, and i can understand that, but i mean, i you really want i can tell you, YOU CAN DO IT.
First you need to get out to the comfortable zone, and start to travel solo might be scary at the start, you might think you can't do it, but is just because you never tried before.
Everything is unknown is scary, this is how the mind works, but i think you have to find your limits, you have to find your fears, and fight against them, you can do it, you MUST DO IT, if you want improve yourself, if you want grow as person, if you want enjoy the life, if you want actually LIVE.

If i look backwards, i think i wasted so much time of my life, if i could come back with my mentality now i don't know where i could be...but as soon i understand is not possible, i come back on a more reasonable thinking, and i start to find opportunity to use this state of mind to help others, and that's how it start the blog's idea.

I know and i agree with the concept of " You will learn by your own mistakes" but i also think, that sometimes some tips to avoid stupid mistakes are a valuable help to anyone who is keen to don't crash his/her own head against the wall.

So that's s why i started to write this blog.
Ihope my broken english will not be a problem, and i will be really glad for any corrections or questions about any kind of things.

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